Saturday, May 9, 2009

Convincing Proofs

Hey all, Matt here. Over the past several months, I have been having some interesting discussion with a patient of mine (thanks Azneef, if you're somehow reading this) who is a Jehovah's Witness. We've been going back and forth on a lot of things that are not critical, however, one conversation keeps coming up. That conversation is over the deity of Christ. Because of these conversations, I have read through some of the material provided to me by my patient, but mostly, I have just been reading the Bible and have found a series of Biblical passages that prove (to me) that Christ is indeed God. My goal is to type these out in hopes of sharing them with you. I'm planning to share them so that I can make sure I have a good grasp of the knowledge that I think I have, and hopefully you can help me out. I plan on calling this series "Convincing Proofs." My goal is to post the first one within a week. Keep me on task! Convincing Proof number 1 will come from Mark 1:2, so check it out, see what you think, and meet me back here in a week for some discussion.


Diana Sakata said...

Hi! I would like to make a recommendation on a book that REALLY helped me when discussing our beliefs with some Jehovah Witness friends I had in high school and college. I loved it because unlike other books it gave you specific questions to ask them that would help them think about what they believed.

Matt and Jaymee said...

Thanks Diana! Will look into it! Hope all is well in Japan, I love getting your update emails :)
