Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MoMo on ice!

   Before you think I'm crazy - MoMo = Mollee my sister. When she came to visit we went ice skating and had a GREAT time. I haven't been ice skating in at least two years and although we didn't last long and the line to get hot chocolate afterward was ridiculously LONG, it was the coldest I've ever been in LA. And that was cool! I miss cold rainy days for months on end. Days where you could curl up in front of the fireplace and read a good book all day long because going outside meant being drenched by the torrential downpour. While it was wet and cold, you couldn't help but love the sound that it made as it clattered against the windows and beat down on the roof. So comforting. You people who live in cities or states with seasons, be very very thankful. Trust me - constant sunshine and hot weather DO get old. I wish that cold spell that we had would have lasted longer, but it was great while it lasted. And now if anyone wants to come visit - we're in the 80's. 

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